The nurturing workplace
It makes sense - perhaps more than ever - to create an attractive environment for your employees. Going to work should feel inspiring, safe and a meaningful space to enter. This is where the surroundings can make a huge difference.
Community and work culture are challenged these days by home offices and a never-ending quest for cost minimization and efficiency, and the only counterbalance is when the workplace becomes more rewarding than the alternative.
In my experience, the vast majority of companies have a large and overlooked development potential in creating a physical space and an inherent feeling that contributes to the value-creating aspect of meeting up. It's about community and thoughtfulness, and there is something bigger at stake here than good coffee and a fruit scheme.
A creative and high-quality environment motivates and inspires job satisfaction.
The nurturing workplace, as I choose to define it, creates an atmosphere of calm and harmony, where aesthetic choices reflect the company's values and vision.
There must be room to be an individual in a community - this requires a certain amount of interior design.
I focus on bringing the senses into play through colors, materials, light and art, which elevates the often impersonal workspace to a present and inspiring place where you want to stay.
I work from a sustainability-oriented and holistic approach, where employees are the most important resource. And they need an exquisite environment to thrive in both the short and long term.
There is no doubt that a company that has thought about and invested in its physical environment is more attractive.
When you bring me in to your new or revitalized workplace, it is with the ambition to do something extraordinary: You have the courage to create a personal and creative framework for the talents that make up your company.
Her kan du se hvordan jeg skabte rammerne for en shippingvirksomhed, der ønskede at skabe noget ekstraordinært for deres medarbejdere. Samt en anden case fra et kontormiljø, der forvandlede et hvidt-i-hvidt space til en sanselig oplevelse.